martes, 8 de abril de 2008


Welcome to this new area of knowledge!!!!!!!

I would like to share some of your habits when you celebrate important events at home!

Why don't we share some good moments, anecdotes, recipes and whatever you can think of as Passover (Pesaj) is getting near?

6 comentarios:

lucas dijo...

I didn`t pass the judia`s easter so I stayed at home with my mother, father and sister. In catholic easter, I ate chocolate egg and barbecue.

20081eort dijo...

I don´t celebrate passover, but my favourite festivity is Chistmas. On Chistmas I go to my ancle´s house with all my family.I have dinner, play a little and a member of my family dresses up of saintclaus. He reparirt all the presents for all my my family. That was the nicest part.

Gaston dijo...

No festejo pesaj,pero festejo navidad,pascuas y otras fiestas catolicas.Aunque se de que se tratan algunas fiestas judias con sus costumbres y comidas tipicas.

Unknown dijo...

On passover y always go to my grandmother´s house. We always sing and we eat the tradicional food. Then my grandfother always hide the Matzá and who find it win an award.

Anónimo dijo...

I`m ivan vicentin to 1ªE i didn´t celebrete passover but i like the food like matza, laikaj and it's customs.But learning the customs of my maternal family.
I think that no matter the origin of which religion you are, we can learn the customs of all

Unknown dijo...

I like to celebrate Passover, because I like to go to my grandmother's house with all my family, I like to sing and eat the typical, songs and food.
When I was young my favorite part was when I had to look for the aficoman, but now that I'm old I don't play any more.
This year in the school we did a Seder and I had to read, and sing and it was very nice.